Thursday, February 10, 2022

Beagle Passage (Glacier Alley) and Ushuaia, Argentenia Feb. 9

Beagle Passage (Glacier Alley) and Ushuaia, Argentenia - Feb. 9

On the Strait of Magellan last night near Punta Arenas, our ship was fueling up, but it was too windy to finish. So today we sidetracked to the Beagle Channel, a gorgeous unplanned ride to Ushuaia, Argentina, in order to top off our tanks with an additional 95,000 gallons!!

Argentina is currently closed to tourists due to Covid, but we can still stop for fuel.

Lucky us, because all day we've been treated to eye candy, as we pass magnificent waterfalls, glaciers, and snow capped mountains on the narrow, beautiful Beagle Passage. Another serendipitous bonus.

We've decided that Ushuaia, Argentina looks like a lovely place to visit, as viewed from ship deck. 

Ushuaia, Argentina is the actual southernmost town in the world. Its population is small, around 75,000 people, so its not considered a city, as southernmost city, Punta Arenas, Chile, is. 

Ushuaia is also the world’s most active Antarctic gateway port, receiving over 90% of all tourists that travel to Antarctica.
Beautiful sunset in Ushuaia. 

Big storms are brewing around Cape Horn, so Captain will decide if we are going through Drake's Passage tomorrow. More exciting adventures to come!!

Passed all these beautiful sights while sitting on our balcony.

Was sitting writing in rm, looked up jyst as we passed this site

Ushuaia, Argentina

Argentenian sunset

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