Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ronda, Spain - (from Malaga port) -- March 4

 Ronda, Spain (from port of Malaga)

We had previously enjoyed touring the lovely port city and birthplace of Picasso, Malaga. Spain. We also had enjoyed the nearby city of Grenada and the unforgettable Alhambra Palace. 

So this time in Malaga, we opted to take an 8 hour tour driving through the beautiful Andalusian countryside to nearby Ronda, Spain.  This ancient city is set atop steep cliffs that plunge 300' to the gorge below.

We had seen photos of the scenic hilltop city of Ronda, Spain from friends who had stayed there, igniting our desire to visit.

Other than it being our first cold day on this trip, we loved touring Ronda, the home of the bull fight and oldest bull ring in Spain. The bull ring tour was very interesting and included a museum of clothing, saddles, and bull heads, some with ears missing signifying that the matador had done well and received an ear or two depending on his skill. Our guide said the country is torn as to whether or not to discontinue bull fighting.

Crossing the Puente Nuevo Bridge, spanning the mighty El Tejo gorge, we entered the Moorish-influenced Old Town. The huge 14th century cathedral was originally a Mosque, as many churches in Europe are. 

Orson Welles is buried in Ronda and Ernest Hemingway, fan of bull fights, was a regular in Ronda.

Ronda is another Spanish city we would love to return to. 

See anything unusual in this photo?

Leaving Malaga port

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