Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gibraltor, UK - March 3, 2022

 Gibraltor, UK

Gilbraltor, UK -- March 3

We were very pleasantly surprised with Gibrator, UK, gateway to the Mediterranean and a British territory since 1713. We expected Gibraltor to be an isolated place with a gigantic rock and a cable car.

Wow, instead we found world-class tax-free shopping, an 8th century Moorish castle, endangered Barbary monkeys, illuminated St. Michael's caves, beautiful beaches, botanic gardens, Europa Point lighthouse (1841), a Mosque, Gibraltor's defenses- Parson's Lodge Battery and 100 Ton Gun, Trafalgar cemetery, gorgeous architecture, the only air strip that also has car traffic driving across the air strip, a border into Spain (these Brit Gibraltorans have no love for Spain), AND, always a favorite of ours, a cable car.

During two wars, caves were dug for defense. Now natural caves are illuminated to take on a dazzling beauty with perfect acoustics for concerts. On a clear day you can see across the strait to Morocco in North Africa only 9 miles away. Another gorgeous day.

Traveling certainly does broaden our horizons and knowledge. 

Arriving to Gibraltor at sunrise

A mosque and a rock
Europa Point

The airport that must stop car traffic 

Goodbye to Gilbraltor, after a fabulous day

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