Saturday, February 19, 2022

Montevideo, Uruguay - Feb. 13-14

 Montevideo, Uruguay - Feb. 13-14

Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, has a scenic setting on the estuary waters of the Plata River and on the open Atlantic Ocean waters. This cultural capital is a mix of Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, African, and indigenous people.  The world's longest carnival, 40 nights, is held each year in Montevideo. 

Montivideo is a lovely city with great architecture, lots of small parks, statues, and beaches along the Atlantic Ocean and the Plata River.

We've been so good about maintaining our Covid free status, that the Captain announced we could go ashore in Uruguay in independent exploration. Pror to this, we had been in a "Viking bubble", only going out with prior approved and vaccinated tour guides. It felt great to wander around on our own. We still were careful to wear masks, as the penalty for bad behavior (getting Covid) was to be 14 days in an isolated cabin on the ship. In addition, the better our record, the more future ports are open for us to explore on our own. 

A change in schedule gave us an overnight stay in Montevideo, so the ship's entertainment crew hired a professional tango dancers team, Tango Uruguay, to come on board to entertain us for the evening's show in the Star Theater. It was fabulous. 

We could never see a better tango performance than we saw right here, at the birthplace of tango, Uruguay. Such a sensous, sultry dance. The Tango originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay. What a wonderful treat!!

Local McDonald's, beautiful bldg.

Tango Uruguay

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