Monday, April 4, 2022

Aqaba, Jordan- Wadi Rum - day 2 in Aqaba, April 4

Aqaba, Jordan- day 2
Wadi Rum  -- April 4

In 1917, T.E. Lawrence (known as Lawrence of Arabia) led troops here in the Battle of Aqaba. The white-robed English ally helped the Arabs run the Turks from the city's fortress during a camel charge.
Famously, Lawrence used nearby Wadi Rum, a vast desert canyon, as base camp during the campaign.

Wadi Rum's stunning rock formations date back more than 12,000 years. We rode a bus to Wadi Rum, then switched to 4x4's (loosely termed) to drive through rose colored soft sand,  climb the sand dunes, pass bedoin camps to areas with hieroglyphics and tributes to Lawrence of Arabia. We were treated to bedoun hospitality with hot tea and dates. In a bedoin camp area we had more hot tea and cookies.

Wadi Rum is a mesmerizing place of unique beauty.   

At the top of sand dunes, our trucks are below

Me, Nina, Trish, and Allison

Overnight luxurious camp

4 x 4 ing in Wadi Rum

Lawrence of Arabia carved into rock near his camp
Our tea and cookie camp
Train still goes thrugh Wadi Rum for reenactments
Aqaba, Jordan
Aqaba, Jordan
Close up of Lawrence of Arabia carving

Jordan (or Singapore) Slings after great stops in Jordan, Wadi Rum and Petra!!

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