Friday, April 1, 2022

Yanbu, Saudi Arabia - - April 1

 Yanbu Al-Bahr, Saudi Arabia - April 1

The coastal town of Yanbu has benefited from its location on the Red Sea for millennia. A gateway port for Muslim pilgrims on the road to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, Yanbu was also well-positioned along the seafaring trade routes of Antiquity.
During World War I, the town was used by Arab and British military forces as a base of operations in the fight against the Ottoman Empire.

Yanbu is two towns in one. The centuries-old northern section still retains the feel of days gone by. The narrow, winding streets of the Old Town showcase many fine examples of the Hejazi architectural style, with traditional coral stone houses decorated with latticed windows.
In contrast, the modern southern section of town is dominated by oil refineries and industrial plants, as well as planned residential communities.

We enjoyed our included tour of Yanbu Lakes, a manmade oasis with waterfalls and waterfowl. Yanbus Old Town, or Al Balad, was interesting with its labyrinth of alleyways, Hejazi homes, and seaside Souk, or Old Market. 

Portside Welcome to Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

Roadside art showing recycling of pipeline
Gas stations with mosques attached, for answering the Call to Prayer
Old Town Gates, Yanbu
Seaside Cafe

Each wife gets a new wing
Attempting to rebuild
Beautiful door of once splendid bldg
Mosque in Old Town

Hejazi balcony
Entrance to Night Market or Souk

Inside the Souk or Market

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