Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Aalborg, Denmark -May 17

Aalborg, Denmark -May 17

Founded by Vikings in the late 900s, historic Aalborg enjoys a gorgeous setting nearly 20 miles up the Limfjord at its narrowest point.
The best-preserved Renaissance architecture in all of Denmark is here, most famously at the Jens Bang's House, built in 1624. Its clean symmetry and proportion helped lay the foundation for today's Scandinavian design.

Alborg, the nation's fourth largest city, was founded as a trading post. The wealth that poured into merchants' accounts helped build many half-timbered mansions that still stand today.
Aalborghus Castle, the seat of the modern-day governors of Northern Jutland, is perhaps the finest example.
Lovers of fine spirits call Åalborg the city of aquavit, the strong aperitif infused with herbs or spices.

During WWII, a group of teenage Danish boys organized a Nazi resistance group. They went underground stealing weapons and slashing tires of Nazi vehicles. They felt called to action because the adults weren’t doing anything to resist the Nazis.
They hid weapons under the church floorboards. They used the local monastery to hold their meetings. A plaque posted on the entry quoting local Hans Christian Andersen says ‘Never Again’.
"Never Again" will the Danish stand by, while such tyrannny occurs.

Jens Bang's House - cassic Scandinavian style
Side (front) of Jens Bang's house - less taxes to pay because of narow front of house. Similar in Charleston SC
City Hall

Monastery (now a senior home) when young boys started local resistance movement. 

Pubs abound in the square

Cathedral tower
Post Office Bldg

Monastery door w Plaque on right quoting Hans Christian Anderson, "Never Again" after WWll. 

Jim/Lynn, Chef, us, Aleem, Cind, Larry

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