Wednesday, February 9, 2022

2 Glaciers --Amalia and Bruggen Feb. 6

 Amalia and Bruggen Glacier Viewing - Feb. 6

Sunday's scenic cruising took us through the southwest Chilean fjords in Patagonia to the Amalia (Skua) Glacier and then to the Brüggen (Pio X1) Glacier, the longest live glacier in the southern hemisphere outside of Antarctica.  The Brüggen Glacier is one of a very few in the world that is still growing, rather than receding. 

It was a cloudy, misty, at times rainy, but still beautiful day with all sizes of icebergs (bergy bits are the medium size chunks and growlers are the smallest) floating by as we slowly sailed close to each beautiful glacier. The bow of the ship was opened up to us so that we could get an even closer look. 

A few members of our crew took a rescue boat out to pick up a piece of iceberg to bring back onto the ship for our viewing pleasure.

To continue a great day, our trivia team, Man Overboard, won with 15 out of 15 correct answers. Another mimosa celebration.

In the evening around 8:45 pm we passed the only ship we had seen all day-- our sister ship, the Viking Jupiter, a rare rendezvous!! 

Our evening show was a multitude of talent presented by fellow passengers, for "The Star's Got Talent"!! We were treated to wonderful piano, magic, voice, hula, comedy, and amazing harp and flute performances.  

Another fabulous day

Bruggen Glacier

Jupiter passing in opposite direction

Our iceberg
Capturing our iceberg
Views from our cabin

Amalia Glacier

Faizal bringing hot chocolates and coffee

Taken from room's tv. Dave just hapoened to be outside in camera' view when I turned tv on.


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