Sunday, April 24, 2022

Naples, Italy - April 24

Naples, Italy - April 24

We had previously been to Mt. Vesuvius, Pompei, Sorrento, and Herkulenium, all in the area, so we decided to walk around and explore Naples for the day.

More known for its pizza than its princely past, Naples boasts a long history and a stunning seaside setting.
The city has long been a major center of Italian culture and was the seat of a powerful independent kingdom for 500 years.
The region's finest architects' and artists' works can be seen in the official buildings around the Piazza del Plebiscito, the grand and sweeping public square. Here, the San Francesco di Paola Church flaunts a colonnaded facade, and the Royal Palace overlooks Neapolitans much as it did centuries ago, with statues of all the kings of Naples peering out from alcoves.

We wandered the city, and then bought tickets for a very unique tour, an underground tour of Naples. Descending around 100 feet into the soft volcanic rock (tufa) underlying Naples, the cavernous Bourbon Tunnel interconnects with the extensive 17th-century Carmignano Aqueduct system. During World War II, this subterranean network was expanded to include bomb shelters. We were in some very, very tight, narrow, dark passages and tunnels. 

Definitely not for the claustrophobic, but we really enjoyed the tour and our guide's humor.   

A great day to wander around above and below Naples, in the shadows of Mt. Vesuvius and along the beautiful Bay of Naples. 
Mt. Vesuvious, and Bay of Naples
Castle Nuovo near the pier
A typical busy, colorful Naples side street.

Into a crevice in underground tunnels
Looking down from top. Thats how far we went down.

Looking up from 1/2 way
People lived here in bomb shelters during the war, so they had a chapel in the bunkers. 

Mt Vesuvius with cloud cover
St. Francis Church in Piazza Plebiscito
Royal Palace in Piazza Plebiscito
Mt Vesuvius in background
Lena and Yoyo

Goodbye to Naples
Chapel underground in bunker
This is how high some areas underground were

Desserts at poolside brunch in addition to all other food served

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