Monday, April 25, 2022

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy - April 25

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy - April 25

More than 2,500 years of history live in the streets of Rome. For centuries, the city ruled much of Europe, building a vast empire from the power of emperors. Ancient structures recall those days when the cheers of 80,000 spectators roared from the Colosseum, citizens mingled in the Forum and senators asked the gods for guidance in the Pantheon.

Along with the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica, this rich pocket of Italy is one of the world's greatest repositories of history and civilization. Today, Rome is a remarkable blend of ancient and modern. Vespas whiz past ancient treasures; Renaissance fountains overlook streets lined with designer shops. Even today's papacy weighs ancient traditions against a modern world.

It was a lovely day to revisit some of our favorite spots in Rome -- Piazza Navona with its Bernini fountain,
Fountain of the Four Rivers, designed in 1651 for Pope Innocent X, whose family palace, the Palazzo Pamphili, faced onto the piazza. At the north end of Piazza Navona is another beauty, the Fountain of Neptune. The Vatican, the Pantheon, the Tiber, Colosseum, Palace of Justice, Constantine's Arch, so many wonders to see in a short time. 

St Peters Vatican dome, Tiber, and Castel San Angelo, Rome

Neptune Fountain, Piazza Navona
Bernini's 4 Rivers Fountain, (my favorite) in Piazza Navona

Castel S'ant Angelo
Tiber, St. Peters, and Castel Sant Angelo

Palace of Justice

Palace of Justice
American Embassy in Rome

Part of Roman Aquaduct

Arch of Constantine's

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Donna and Dave. Marc is away fishing for two days, so I took some time to get caught up on your blog at last. Wow! Your photos are exquisite, and the experiences you are having must be fantastic. I love how you're both up for just about ANYTHING! It
    is wonderful for me to experience new places through you and to relive my own memories of those places we've visited. Thanks for all of this. When do you return?


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