Tuesday, March 22, 2022



A typical quaint Greek port, Katakolon is the seaside gateway to the site of ancient Olympia, – the birth place of the most important athletic event of all times; the Olympic Games, held every four years to honor Zeus beginning in 776 B.C.

The Peloponnese valley along the way is lined with olive trees. With a backdrop of Mt. Kronos, a carpet of spring wildflowers, and a gorgeous blue sky, Olympia was in its splendor.

A very knowledgeable tour guide led us through the site of the remains of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and destroyed by an earthquake), the Temple of Hera, Philippeion temple. gymnasium, and the olympic stadium.

The displays of antiquities in the adjacent Archeological Museum are a treasure of excavated finds. The remains of the statue Nike, Winged Victory, standing high above us and an almost intact statue of Hermes protecting the child, Dionysus, are a joy to see.

We are always amazed at the craftmanship, talents, and engineering feats of civilizations from 3,000 years ago, and completed with rudimentary tools and equipment!!

Hermes holding the baby Dionysus.
Statue of Zeus, former Wonder of the Ancient World, destoyed by earthquake
Nike, holding court as Winged Victory

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